Wednesday, June 2, 2010

5 Tips for Photographing Children

Photographing children can be hard. EXTREMELY hard. And at times, seriously frustrating. Have you ever tried to get a two year old to sit and pose exactly the way you want them to? Not so much, right? And don't you just love those fake smiles they plaster all over thier cute little faces?

While I am still semi-new to photography, I am learning a few things along the way. One of my repeat clients has a daughter who is seriously adorable. But also seriously wired. Lets face it, most kids really could care less about having thier picture taken. Photographing her [and other children like her] requires a few tricks.

1. Catch them in action. Forget trying to pose them, and make them sit where you want them to sit. Most parents realize that their kids can be a little crazy at times, and more than likely, if their child is under the age of 6, they aren't expecting posed photos. Let them run around. Let them play. And set your shutter speed and ISO a little higher to get rid of the blur. Action shots can be just as cute and great as the posed shots.

2. Location, location, location! Pick a place that will be fun and familiar to them. This could be a playground, their backyard, or anyplace that they will have a good time. This will make them a little less stressed, and more likely to be natural.

3. Get down to their level. You may have to get dirty, but shrinking down to their level will make you a little more trustworthy. It will also make for better, more creative shots if you're down on the ground level.

4. Telephoto lens, people! I have found, especially with the YOUNG kids (2 or 3 years old) that having a camera directly in their face makes them a little less likely to want to cooperate and/or be natural. With a telephoto lens, I can stand back a ways and "spy" on them [sort of]. With not being directly in front of them, it helps with that "natural" look.

5. Prepare to take lots of photos. Kids are hard. We've figured that out, right? So don't be afraid to click away. They move quick, and you may not always get the right shot the first time. I tend to take way more photos working with children than I do with adults. Simply because they are quick. So click that shutter button! You will be happier you did when you find those perfect shots.



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